Introduction: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

ln this lesson you will learn how to create a cool saw shaped wrench.

  1. Continue to the next step.

Step 1: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Start the lesson by dragging a polygon to the workplane.

Step 2: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Now, rotate it 30 degrees.

Step 3: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Hold the shift button and scale it smaller to a width of 14mm. Then to a height of 3mm. Remember you can adjust the "Snap Grid" located in the lower right corner of the editor from 1.0 to 0.1 for more control.

Step 4: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Move it to the area outlined in orange. Duplicate the shape in place by pressing CTRL+D on the keyboard.

Step 5: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Scale it bigger to the size of the area outlined in orange. Keep the shift button pressed while scaling! Be as accurate as you want.

Step 6: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Repeat the previous steps. CTRL+D, Move and scale it to the area outlined in orange.

Step 7: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Now, let's make the rest. CTRL+D, Move and scale it to the area outlined in orange.

Step 8: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Drag a Tube shape to the Workplane.

Step 9: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Scale the tube to the height of 2.5mm and size of 10x10mm.

Step 10: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. Because its a tool, let's make it precise by aligning the shapes. Select all objects except the hole shape. Click the Align button on the menu bar. Now, align the shapes in the area outlined in orange.

Step 11: Saw Shaped Wrench

The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

  1. You're almost done! Select all the objects. Group them together by clicking the group button on the toolbar.

Step 12: Congratulations!

You made it!