Introduction: Say Hello to | Arduino UNO |

About: CSE fresher @ IIT Roorkee |

First things first..if you are "really" interested in knowing more about Arduino UNO then just go with it, well it's pretty awesome tho :-)

hello, friends in these Instructables I will show u the basic but interesting use of my new Arduino Uno R3. Let us know something important about the board. Arduino is an open-source hardware and software project first introduced in 2005 based on 8-bit Atmel AVR, aiming to provide an accessible way for novices and professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and actuators. Common examples of such devices intended for beginner hobbyists include simple robots, thermostats, and motion detectors. The project is based on microcontroller board designs, which use inputs and outputs in the same way an ordinary computer does. Inputs capture information from the user or the environment while outputs do something with the information that has been captured. An input could be digital or analog and could come to form the environment or a user. Outputs can control and turn on and off devices such as motors or other computers. These systems provide sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that can interface to various expansion boards (termed shields) and other circuits. The boards feature serial communication interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, for loading programs from personal computers. For programming the microcontrollers, the Arduino project provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on a programming language named Processing, which also supports the languages C and C++. The Arduino language is very similar to C but provides several libraries for ease of use.

Step 1: The Necessity...

I'll show u how to control onboard led (on pin 13) OR led light. let us begin :

Materials Required :

friends as these are basic so we don't need many things.

1. Arduino Uno ( u can use any )

2. A USB cable (for programming)

3. led light (optional because the board has its own led on pin 13)

4. Patience (of course that is very important) that's it

5. Connections and programming the board :- now we'll connect the board to our pc to program it 1.connect the led to the Arduino by connecting ground pin of led to GND pin on the board AND positive pin of led light on pin 13 of Arduino 2. now connect Arduino with pc by using the USB cable STEP 3) ARDUINO IDE for programming, v have to download Arduino ide software from u can download the software using the link given below

Step 2:

Step 3: Let's Do Some Coding Init...

Yeah we almost done now...last but not least thing is remaint, well you got it right ...the Coding part, mine favourite:-

now we will upload the code
1.unzip the downloaded file of Arduino ide

2. connect the board via USB the examples from the file menu and then open -> blink

4. now upload the code


and don't forget to vote for me ;-)

Step 4: Stuck Some Where Above Steps ...don't Worry I'm Here

troubleshooting problems :

if u have any problem in uploading the code then please remind me u can also use this code to program the board..chears...