Introduction: Scary Statue!
Well I did this with my folks last halloween and it managed to scare 4 to 6 year olds from coming to our house. We're gonna improve it this year with leds but here I go.
Step 1: Materials
Materials neeeded for this project:
Chicken wire
An old grim reaper costume
A scary mask of some sort
Paper Mache (flour, water, and newspaper)
A friend
Something to cut the chicken wire.
How to make paper mache:
Mix water and flour in bowl then rip up some newspper and dip it in.
Voila paper mache.
Chicken wire
An old grim reaper costume
A scary mask of some sort
Paper Mache (flour, water, and newspaper)
A friend
Something to cut the chicken wire.
How to make paper mache:
Mix water and flour in bowl then rip up some newspper and dip it in.
Voila paper mache.
Step 2: Making the Body
Get your friend to lie down for you. Then you wrap the chicken wire around his body. Then get him out of there and paper mache the body so then you'll have a paper mache body. Wait for it to dry.
To get your friend out just take apart the back of the chicken wire where it meets. Let him out and and put the back together again.
To get your friend out just take apart the back of the chicken wire where it meets. Let him out and and put the back together again.
Step 3: Adding Costumes and Variations.
Ok so this is the final step.add the costume home made or store bought. Add mask preferably storebought. Then add some good ol' hands to this I got mine from and old halloween ornament.