Scoochmaroo Challenge: T-shirt Mods



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Scoochmaroo Challenge: T-Shirt Mods

in alphabetical order

Ruffled Flower Skirt by AHome-Made
Tshirt to Tank by HollyMann

Wrap Dress by mathiemom

Children's Play Wear by mygibzone
Tshirt to Shorts by rewind_design
Vamp up Your old T's by shazni

Dye a Vivid Ombre Shirt by ShrimpSaladCircus

Summer Heart T-shirt by sunshiine
Ruffly Pink Applique Shirt by supersoftdrink

Embroidered Tshirt Mod by Vintiquities


Be sure to check out Singer's Facebook and Twitter feeds and give them a shout of thanks for letting us continue to run challenges like this!

The more entries, the better the prizes:

(official rules)
