Introduction: Scout 203a POV
Firstly, I wish to quickly clarify 5 things:
1) I had to check up on the bottom of the shed because we thought that one of the supporting beams was damaged. I was the only one who was able to fit into the small access hole to the dried river-bed beneath the garden
2) This required use of a torch, and a camera. So really, it was more justifiable bringing the Scout 203a, because I fitted it with both these things
3) Before the decking was built, I had made the little lego "escape pod" as a hover-tank time capsule. I wrote the little message inside (although, that should probably read "I got my Mum to write the message inside) and we planted it in the river-bed. I was genuinely surprised at the note though because I'd forgotten about it.
4) I knew the lego pod was there, so I thought I'd weave it into a "search and rescue" scenario, for entertainment purposes.
5) Hope you enjoy the video, and no, I don't know why one of the Scout203a's wheels squeaks either...
Firstly, I wish to quickly clarify 5 things:
1) I had to check up on the bottom of the shed because we thought that one of the supporting beams was damaged. I was the only one who was able to fit into the small access hole to the dried river-bed beneath the garden
2) This required use of a torch, and a camera. So really, it was more justifiable bringing the Scout 203a, because I fitted it with both these things
3) Before the decking was built, I had made the little lego "escape pod" as a hover-tank time capsule. I wrote the little message inside (although, that should probably read "I got my Mum to write the message inside) and we planted it in the river-bed. I was genuinely surprised at the note though because I'd forgotten about it.
4) I knew the lego pod was there, so I thought I'd weave it into a "search and rescue" scenario, for entertainment purposes.
5) Hope you enjoy the video, and no, I don't know why one of the Scout203a's wheels squeaks either...