Introduction: Scrap/Tiny Wall Made of Cassete Tape Boxes (' ; '

About: I'm just making some ideas to become real.

Never more to forget your appointments.
Your small things can you get so easy..

This Scrap-tiny  Wall is made of old tape boxes.
Recycle and enjoy this beautiful idea.

So let's pump it!

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Step 1: What You Need:

  • - Cassette tapes boxes
  • - Scissors and double sided tape ( I used this like silicon)
  • - pens and paper for the scraps.
  • - post cards,flyers,  cool pictures you have..

Step 2: Making:

- On the Door    
  • cut a piece o tape and put behind the box.
  • fix it on the Door!
  • cut pieces of paper, write your schedule and put into the boxes.
  • When you don't want to let a scrap, put a picture in!

Step 3: Making:

- on a Closet.
  • do the same steps.
  • fix the boxes 1 cm longer each other.
  • put a picture in

Step 4: