Introduction: Scratch Built Delta Wing RC Plane

About: I am a teenager that loves creating and building to hopefully end up in an Aerospace engineering job someday in the future!
After being tired of using other peoples designs and PDFs. i decided to make my own! i came up with a base design and made up the body while creating the plane. i knew i wanted a stream lined  body to reduce drag on the plane so i came up with the long slender fuselage and a sleek compartment  for the components of the plane to sit in. Using a computer i came up with a basic out line for the plane. as you can see my base idea came alive in probably my favorite plane yet. the blue cards are note cards covering up logos and return address's(if i lose it somehow). i would like to buy a stunt camera to attach to the bottom to be able to get an Arial view to do some spying! (just kidding i wouldn't use it for creeping on people but it would be cool to have)

The plane measures out at a 31" wing span and 38' long (relatively big for an electric RC plane)

With a big enough response from this i will post a step by step tutorial on how to make it!!

Hope you enjoy!!