Introduction: ScreenStudio: How It Works
ScreenStudio is my personal project that I do work on in my spare times.
It does record your computer display into a video file and let you share those videos over the web.
Here's a full review of the currently supported features:
File support:
- TS
- MP4
- HLS (For live streaming over HTTP)
Streaming support:
- Youtube
- Twitch
- Ustream
- Generic RTMP server
Video Source:
- Computer desktop (Display)
- Webcams (multi-webcams supported)
- Image (and animated GIFs)
- Text (basic HTML, interactive Tags)
Audio source:
- Microphone
- Internal System
- Microphone + Internal System
Special features:
- Free layout of your video elements
- Background music
- Video transitions (Fade-In, Fade-Out, Enter from left/right/top/bottom, Exit to left/right/top/bottom)
- Unlimited layers of video sources
- Free as in Open Source
- Hide while recording
ScreenStudio can do a lot, but it does try to keep things simple. No worry about video encoding and quality. The main goal is: Streaming, made easy!
Step 1: Download ScreenStudio
To get ScreenStudio, all you need to do is visit the main website:
Make sure that Java 8 is installed on your computer (Ubuntu or Windows)
- Download the latest version
- Uncompressed the archive
- Double-click on the ScreenStudio.jar file
In Ubuntu, you can launch the "" script to create an icon desktop launcher.