Introduction: Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner Retrofit

If you are a geek like me (and if you are on here, YOU ARE!)


You have, had, or want one of these puppies!

This sold for $22 in most stores, and what it does, is after you take a shower, push a button, it beeps for about 15 seconds, and then gives a 7 second spray clean of your shower, cleaning it and making the bathroom smell like fresh spring!

The bad part, was it wasn't made well, design flaws, and they all broke within a year

(Electric, and water, just don't get along) and the company stopped making them.

But people still wanted them, and the price went for $22 to now over $100 on eBay


So when mine broke, I took the instructable approach and said "how can I fix this, and make it better, stronger.. faster...."

This instructable shows how I did it!


wireless fob:

silicon (clear) or Hot glue

High Quality Batteries (AA)

Step 1: YOU CAN Fix One Yourself

This is not mine, but if you want here is a hands on, soldering iron in, repair of a Scrubbing bubbles

Step 2: Better.. Faster... Stronger...

My solution was a bit more elegant, I decided using a Remote fob, and activate the shower cleaner, after I am out of the shower -- this way I can set the time / amount of shower spray.

Since mine has no buttons to push, I can totally immerse it in hot glue, effectively waterproofing it, the only issue I really had is it uses up battery power faster then the push button fix, since its monitoring for a remote button push

Step 3: The Guts, the Gore, OH! the Humanity!

There are 6 screws you need to remove with a torx screwdriver, then the whole case slides down.

Be careful there are three small rubber washers that fall off easily.

Separate the unit, removing the red/black from the power supply (6v battery compartment)

and the red / blue wire from the motor, you can put the circuit board aside, and work on that at a later time.

Mark the battery terminals +/- and the motor terminals R/B

Cut the 4 wires and then replace the controller with the wireless switch - wire the Red/black power to the battery connectors, and the red / yellow wires to the motor. (I added some heat shrink tubing to the switch, to give it some wire support, since I put a gob of hot glue on it all.)

I hot glued the unit toward the top of the battery compartment, so the antenna is the same level

as the top of the battery compartment - and then covered it all in hot glue.

Step 4: The Reciever

The battery compartment is the perfect place to mount the receiver, being the highest spot on the sprayer, the antenna is aligned with the top - so it doesn't interfere with the outside housing, once tested the unit is sealed in hot glue to waterproof it all.

Step 5: Hints and Tricks to Get It Working Again. . .

My time fixing and taking apart these things have taught me a few tricks.

  • Unit won't spray, but the sprayer part is spinning?
    Try squeezing the bottle while the sprayer is moving around to 're-prime' the sprayer
  • Every time you change batteries, pour a 2oz cup of vinegar in the well (with the bottle out)
    and run it once of twice -- To keep the unit clean and working
  • Instead of paying $32 for a refill, use any brand shower cleaner, and refill with that
    My personal fav is Method shower cleaner spray (available everywhere)
  • Unit beeps but sprayer wont turn? - Give it a gentle turn (counter clockwise) see if
    the lubricant has seized (esp if its been sitting not used for a few months)
    DON'T FORCE IT -- its all plastic gears!
  • Unit won't beep when you push the button?
    Did you check the batteries? There good?
    The circuit board has gotten wet and its dead, USE THIS INSTRUCTABLE!!!