Introduction: Sea Salt Body Scrub

About: Very shy. I don't talk much... But love to sing...
This sea salt body scrub/wash will leave you clean and smooth.

Enjoy! ;)

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

For this easy scrub all you need is:

• Small amount of baby oil
• Sea Salt
• Shampoo

Add more of any thing if you want.

Step 2: Pour in the Baby Oil

Pour the baby oil into the shampoo and stir until mixed in. The baby oil will help moisturize your skin.

Step 3: Add the Sea Salt

Now add the sea salt and mix. The sea salt will help rub off any dead skin and make it smooth and new.

Step 4: Enjoy

Enjoy this wash/scrub and try adding more of this or that to make your perfect scrub. I recommend to use the wash soon after you make it for best results.

~ -fluffybunny-