Introduction: Secret Hole!!!!

Secret Whole in a book so it looks like you're reading but you're not! Sneaky right? I may be the oldest trick in the "book" but They'll never know whats happening! Like who doesn't like a little iFunny in the middle of class i know i do!

Step 1: Step 1

Find a book you can cut into!!

Step 2:

Get a marker and a straight edge. Find the object (phone) you are trying to hide measure it and draw lines on the page at where you want it!

Step 3:

Find the object (phone) you are trying to hide measure it and draw lines on the page at where you want it!

Step 4:

Start cutting the pages to where your object (phone) will fit into the hole!

Step 5:

When done Place object into the hole!

Step 6:

You are now done! You can now surf the web or view on iFunny during class! Have fun!