Introduction: Secretly Watch What's Happening No Matter Where You Are.
This instructable will show you how to use the iphone/ipod touch app "iCam" and your computer to see what's happening using your webcam wherever you are. This is my first instructable, so please, no harsh criticism. I don't mind any feedback you have for me, but please don't be like 'stupid @$$ you can use skype instead'. Constructional criticism is okay lol. Thank for reading!
Step 1: Downloading ICam for Your Iphone/ipod Touch
This app, 'iCam', will work for any iphone (iphone, 3g, 3gs) and can be used with edge, 3g, or wifi. The app can also be used with any ipod touch, although, you can only use wifi with the touch.
First, go into the app store in your iphone or ipod touch.
Next, go to search.
Next, touch the search bar and type in 'iCam' and hit search.
Next, open the app and tap the '$4.99' button. Tap purchase. Enter your itunes ID and wait for it to install. (If you have a jailbroken iphone/ipod, and you have 'installous' and/or 'mobileinstallationpatch', you can get this app for free. This method is considered pirating. I do not condone this method and you are doing so at your own risk, but if you follow this instructable and actually pay for the app, it is legal).
First, go into the app store in your iphone or ipod touch.
Next, go to search.
Next, touch the search bar and type in 'iCam' and hit search.
Next, open the app and tap the '$4.99' button. Tap purchase. Enter your itunes ID and wait for it to install. (If you have a jailbroken iphone/ipod, and you have 'installous' and/or 'mobileinstallationpatch', you can get this app for free. This method is considered pirating. I do not condone this method and you are doing so at your own risk, but if you follow this instructable and actually pay for the app, it is legal).
Step 2: Downloading the ICam Program on Your Computer
The computer program is free, you only have to buy the iphone/ipod app.
Go to
Next, click 'Click here to learn more'
Next, download the program to your respective system. I will be doing this for a Mac based computer. But if you follow these steps (using the pc program) it should be the similar, if not the same.
Next, after you download it, open the dmg and drag the application to your application folder on your Macintosh HD. (Open the .exe for pc and install as you would a regular program).
Go to
Next, click 'Click here to learn more'
Next, download the program to your respective system. I will be doing this for a Mac based computer. But if you follow these steps (using the pc program) it should be the similar, if not the same.
Next, after you download it, open the dmg and drag the application to your application folder on your Macintosh HD. (Open the .exe for pc and install as you would a regular program).
Step 3: Setting Up ICam
The program for your computer is called 'iCamSource'. I dragged mine to the doc on my mac for convenience. Open iCamSource and set up a username and password. These can easily be changed and it is only for verification when you try to view your files via your ipod/iphone. Remember, use something crazy for a username and password. Some people use their names (not smart) and once I just typed in 'Scott' for the username and 'Scott' for the password (on my iphone) just to see what would happen (I was with my friend Scott; that is not my name) and low and behold, someone had icam set up and we could watch (technically, this is invasion of privacy, but there is no way to tell if someone is on using your username and password-icamsource will not tell you 'iphone in use' or 'you are being watched' or something like that.
Now, you can set your sensitivity of the speed, select where you want the video and/or audio to come from (I used the built in isight camera and microphone) and once you're ready, you click 'start' and the camera will turn on.
Now, you can set your sensitivity of the speed, select where you want the video and/or audio to come from (I used the built in isight camera and microphone) and once you're ready, you click 'start' and the camera will turn on.
Step 4: Setting Up Your Iphone/ipod Touch
Once iCamSource is up and running on your computer, go into 'iCam' from your iphone/ipod touch.
Enter the Username and password you chose earlier and click done. iCam will load with 4 frames (if you have multiple cameras). As you can see from mine, I only have one camera set up under the username and password. Tap the desired frame you wish to view and watch and listen in real time of what is happening.
Unfortunately, there are ads in this app, but they are small and I tune them out.
You can now remotely view what's going on wherever you are.
This is great for dorms, apartments, to watch your dog or child, etc. Yes, if someone breaks in and steals it, you are out of luck. I would recommend a 'motion detection' software of some sort. But if you're using it to spy on a roommate, you're golden.
I will be going to college this fall and I will be using this app a lot. lol
Thanks and have fun!
Enter the Username and password you chose earlier and click done. iCam will load with 4 frames (if you have multiple cameras). As you can see from mine, I only have one camera set up under the username and password. Tap the desired frame you wish to view and watch and listen in real time of what is happening.
Unfortunately, there are ads in this app, but they are small and I tune them out.
You can now remotely view what's going on wherever you are.
This is great for dorms, apartments, to watch your dog or child, etc. Yes, if someone breaks in and steals it, you are out of luck. I would recommend a 'motion detection' software of some sort. But if you're using it to spy on a roommate, you're golden.
I will be going to college this fall and I will be using this app a lot. lol
Thanks and have fun!