Introduction: Arduino Security 3G/GPRS Email Camera With Motion Detection

In this manual, I would like to tell about one version of building a security surveillance system with a motion detector and sending photos to the mailbox via 3G/GPRS shield.

This article is based on other instructions: instruction 1 and instruction 2.

The difference of this instruction is in the use of a motion detector integrated into the VC0706 camera to detect movement in a frame.

So we need:

Step 1: Camera Setup

At the first stage, you need to connect an LED (ALARM) in parallel with a 500-1000 Ohm resistor, a UART JPEG VC0706 camera and a micro SD card to an Arduino Uno (using an adapter), as shown in the figure. Micro SD card must be formatted in FAT32. The LED (ALARM) will be used to indicate motion detection mode.

Step 2: 3G/GPRS Shield Setup

Connecting a 3G/GPRS shield to the Arduino UNO is not difficult.
Prepare a SIM card. The PIN code request must be disabled on the SIM card. Install the SIM card into the “SIM” slot on the bottom of the 3G/GPRS shield.

Set the jumpers of the shield to the “RX-1”, “TX-0” position. Next, connect all the wires connected to the Arduino UNO, in the same places on the 3G/GPRS shield. And then connect together 3G/GPRS shield and Arduino UNO. Connect the USB cable.

You may need to adjust the speed of the exchange of 3G/GPRS shield. For this you need:

  • energize the Arduino Uno board (using the USB or external power connector),
  • turn on the 3G/GPRS shield (press and hold the “POWER” button for 1 second),
  • connect to the microUSB connector on the 3G/GPRS shield,
  • wait for the automatic installation of the drivers,
  • connect using a terminal (for example, PuTTY) to the COM port (as shown in the figure) and enter the command "AT+IRPEX=115200",
  • disconnect microUSB cable from the 3G/GPRS shield.

Step 3: Programming

Programming is done through the Arduino IDE.

You must first install additional libraries: Camera_Shield_VC0706 and XModem.
There is a small error in the original XModem library, I have attached the corrected library.

Launch the Arduino IDE, open the SnapMoveModem.ino sketch. Make sure the "Arduino / Genuino UNO" board is selected. I attach a working sketch.

Fill in your data instead of “*****” characters: Click the Download button.

Please note that the serial port “Serial” is used for communication with the 3G/GPRS shield, and not for displaying debug information. Therefore, it is not possible to display debug information.

I registered on the mail server, installed the mail application on my phone, created a new mail box (to which I will send emails with photos), added notifications to the phone when new emails arrive.

Step 4: Demonstration

I shot a video to demonstrate the operation of the system. This video shows how a robber comes in a mask, a motion detector is triggered, the green ALARM LED lights up and a photo of the robber is sent to the e-mail. The green LED ALARM goes out. Then the robber leaves, the motion detector is triggered again, the green ALARM LED lights up again and a second photo is sent to the e-mail.

The delay in sending a photo is related to the exchange rate for UART (38400) between the camera and Arduino UNO, as well as with the exchange rate (115200) between Arduino UNO and the 3G/GPRS shield. I did not achieve high speeds, but only wanted to show the functionality of the system.

I hope you enjoyed my instructions. Thank you for watching.

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