Introduction: SecuritySensorOrEnergySavings

About: I am an Electrical Engineer interested mainly in electronics and embedded programming. My professional experience is related to HDL applied to FPGAs or SoCs (HPS/FPGA). I also have skills in high-level program…

This project consists of two motion sensors that detect a person entering or leaving a specific room. The objective is to count the number of people inside the room, and to turn off the lights when it is empty. An auxiliary sensor collects the room's current temperature.

The system is integrated with Telegram Messenger enabling the user to check the temperature, the number of people inside and if the lights are on or off.

The whole system was implemented in an Intel Edison board, using Arduino IDE for hardware interaction and Python scripting language for Telegram integration.

Step 1: Get Started With Intel Edison

Follow the get started steps available at the Intel website to update the board's firmware and download the Arduino IDE:

Step 2: Hardware Setup

Step 3: Arduino Code

The Arduino code is available in our GitHub repository inside ./arduino directory. You may download these files by following the link:

Step 4: Telegram API Integration

We have written a separate instructables showing how to setup the Yocto package manager and use a Telegram bot library for Python. The link is the following: