Introduction: Selectable USB DC Power Outlet

This is a smart device made to fit this EU 220V power outlet with 2 USB A port selling here. Is intended to be used with any of these distributed power management devices.


  • Voltage monitor on both USB-A plugs
  • Power Consumption monitor on both USB-A plugs
  • Individual USB-A Plug ON/OFF Switch
  • Has a Security Chip
  • RGB LED for Micro wave Jamming
  • Allows connection to Small UPS via USB-A plugs
  • Allows connection to 2 LiPo Power Banks sold on AliExpress

Step 1: Order PCB Fabrication

This smart device enables management of multi-low powered DC lines, in the range of 3.3V to 24V DC. Each individual USB-A port can be set up to deliver individual DC output. For instance 5V DC on one port and 12V DC on the other.

  • 5V DC: Smartphones, tablets, smart devices, portable game consoles 🎮, indoor illumination using 5V LED
  • 9V DC: Handheld vacuum cleaners, robot vacuum cleaners, robot mop cleaners
  • 12V DC: Handheld vacuum cleaners, robot vacuum/mop cleaners, indoor illumination using 12V LED

To order fabrication of this smart device, go to the Gerber File on my Github repository and download all files in that folder. Here's the link:

Next, upload the Gerber files on AllPCB website and place an order.

Step 2: Compatible Power Outlets

Any of these power outlets, with USB-A power, plugs selling on AliExpress, can all be retrofitted with a Smart PCB like the one on this repository.

The smart electronics in this tutorial is designed to be fitted onto this power outlet selling here

Another Key function these power outlets are able to offer is the possibility of installation of a distributed battery storage network in each room compartment in a building. Home or office. For instance, using these kinds of UPS and Power banks:

These battery storage units have the advantage of already complying with the minimum safety standards making solar installation much easier.

Step 3: Circuit Schematics