Introduction: Self Defence Key Chain

The basic idea behind the key chain is to be light weight, non lethal way to have defensive advantage when attacked without being obvious that you are carrying something that can hurt.

To make something useful isn't much work but you will need a few thing to make it happen.

You will need
- Some para-cord(I ended up using about 3 meters)
- Knife or Scissor (Useful for cutting, sad if you cut yourself)
- Lighter or Matches.
- Ball bearing, Steel ball or something similar(Mine was a 20mm steel ball from a hardware store)

Step 1: To Get the Show on the Road.

First thing you need to do is to cut some para-cord into length. I used about 2 meter and my finished project ended up being about 550mm long. If you use a bigger ball or want a longer chain you would probably need more para-cord.

Once the cord was cut, I used a lighter to melt the tips to prevent they from fraying. Once done I started with a monkey knot to enclose and hold the weight in the chain.

I am skipping a few step to avoid confusion I am ''Knot" going to show you how to make a monkey fist because you will probably  end up hurting yourself. Instead I will just give you this link.

If you used the the link, step 19 & 20 would be replaced inserting the ball and to pull the monkey fist tight so that both end are still exposed.

Step 2: Enter the Monkeys Fist

Once the monkey fist is completed and both ends are visible, you can either work the long end towards the short end or if you have enough cord on both end to spare, to cut them to the same length.

Once that's done, cut a piece of cord twice the length of a single strand from the monkey fist. The next step is to tie the loose piece of cord to the monkey fist by laying the cord across the monkey fist between the two strands. The two ends of the monkey fist should then be tied so that its keeps the loose cord in place.

Step 3: The Braide

Once the monkey fist is done and a second cord is inserted, you may notice that there a four ends to be braided together. There are are a few options to choose from but from from a point of ease and time, I chose to do a braid similar to a hair braid. I don't know wat it is call but anyway you could do a different braid or a Portuguese sinnet.

Like I said, I did a braid similar to a hair braid and once almost done I left about 15cm worth of cord to make a double wall knot.

Once the wall knot was done I knotted two of the four remaining tip together. The two remaining tips was shorten and hidden inside the wall knot.