Introduction: Self Watering Plant Box
All Requirments:
- Wood
- Lasercutter
- 3D Printer
- Wood
- glue
- Arduino
- Ground-Moisture Sensor
- Water pump
- Transistor
- Water Bottle
Step 1: Creating the Parts 1/2 (lasercutter)
First we start with Creating all the required parts with the Lasercutter and 3D Printer
We will create the boxes needed to hold the plant and the water bottle we will use the lasercutter to cut wooded boxes below here I will include all the required files to create the wooden boxes:
- Plant box:
- Water reservoir
Step 2: Creating the Parts 2/2 (3D Printer)
After we created the wooden parts we will use a 3D printer to print out the top of the 2 boxes.
Step 3: Assembling the Plant Box and Water Reserve
After creating the required parts we will be assembling everything, we will glue the boxes thogeter and attach the 3D printed parts to the top of the boxes and put the water bottle in the water reserve box, the 3D printed parts are made to fit exactly so you will need to add some pressure to attach them.
Step 4: Setting Up the Electronics
For the electronics we will use a Ground-Moisture sensor to keep track of how wet the ground is and we will use a water pump you have to put inside the water this way all noise from the motor will be canceled by the water so it stays very quiet, we will use a arduino board to regulate everything. connect everything like showed in the schematic
Step 5: Final Step: Putting Everything Thogeter and Adding a Plant
Finally we are finishing up the project by adding a waterproof plastic bag and adding ground into the bag, adding the plant and sensor and hiding the end of the water pipe in the ground near the sensor. and connect it to the powersupply.
Step 6: Adding Code to Arduino
Now we will add the following code to the arduino, this code will check the water sensor for its output on Analoge Pin 0 and checks the value it gives back, the lower the value the more moist the ground is(0-1023) if it's higher then 500 the water pump should be turned off and else it will be turned on providing water to the plant.