Introduction: Smart Phone With Aerosensors

This device shows you how to receive multiple sensor data from arduino with your android phone. In this project sensor value is displayed on smart phone through Bluetooth. As smart phone is user friendly. Today smart phone is available at any person. This device takes environmental reading.

Step 1: ​ Material Required


· Arduino uno

· Sensors

a. Temperature Sensor (DHT22)

b. LDR Sensor Module

c. MQ6 Sensor Module (LPG Gas)

d. MQ7 Sensor Module (CO Gas)

e. MQ135 Sensor Module (CO2 Gas)

· Smart Phone

· App

· Jumper wires

· Usb cable(For Arduino )

· Bluetooth Module(HC-05)

· Adapter (5V)


1. Arduino IDE

You can download from

2. MIT app inventor

I have used five sensors. In which three gas sensors used this sensor calibration is required. How to calibrate gas sensor details available on my blog. Refer a blog link for calibration of sensors. Click here

Step 2: Sensors Interfacing With Arduino Uno.

I have used five sensors. In which three gas sensors used this sensor calibration is required. How to calibrate gas sensor details available on my blog. Refer a blog link for calibration of sensors. Click here

Step 3: Procedure for Making App in MIT App Inventor 2 Software

First go to the App Inventor site and then it'll ask for your email and password and enter that in. Next, go to "Projects" and click "Start new project". After that make UI of App and write blocks in project. Communication between app inventor screens to mobile screen refers following link.

I have made app for that device. This name is Auto_Weather App is available on google play store. Download App from link OR

Step 4: Design of Casing

I had made arduino sensor shield on eagle software. On that PCB I have solder male connectors. All information regarding PCB design shown in below screenshot.

Step 5: Assembly

Step 6: CODE

I am attaching zip file of arduino code and apk file of App below. Download it and try.

Step 7: Execution

Bluetooth Connection –

I have used HC-05 bluetooth module. First of all establish connection in phone Bluetooth and this Bluetooth module then goto an App.

Step1 – Bluetooth module connected to arduino.

Step2- Turn on phone’s Bluetooth.

Step3 – scan for Bluetooth device (HC-05).

Step4- Enter pin 1234 for pairing device.

Step 5- Open App in mobile.

Step 6- Touch on Logo

Step 7- Pick Bluetooth Device.