Introduction: Serenity Blueprints

About: I am crazy and inventive and never do things the easy way, though I do look to others' projects for help. was voted most likely to take over the world :D everyone who knows me will say I'm a crazy, eccentric …

Hello Lovely people, 

I made a wooden model of serenity from the tv show firefly about 2 years ago... unfortunately I don't have a photo of the finished project. and the person I gave it to moved away. but i felt like i could just post my drawing of the blueprints  and eventually build another ship 

hopefully you like the drawings :D 

the sketches are roughly to a scale, measurements may vary depending on size you want. this makes a model roughly the size of a loaf of bread. 

I apologize if the pictures aren't the greatest quality, they're photos from my phone taken of my sketch book (and some of the lines aren't drawn very thick)

1st is a side view (arguably the best pic), 2nd-3rd is a top view, 4th is the engine bits, 5th is the thrusters, 6th is the cargo bay bottom and side view,  7th is the cabin and the feet