Introduction: Servo Control

Using a potentiometer and 555 timer, you can control a servo motor using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).

Step 1: Controlling Servo With 555 Timer

The way the 555 Timer controls the servo is by changing the Duty Cycle of the 555's output. The knob on the potentiometer changes the duty cycle.


  • Servo Motor
  • 555 Timer (1)
  • 1000 Ohm resistors (2)
  • 10K Potentiometer (1)
  • 1 uF Capacitor (1)
  • Diode (1)

How to use

Just turn the potentiometer until you find the sweetspot or the center of the servo's movement. The sweet spot is where the servo doesn't move but turning the potentiometer in one direction or the other will cause the servo to slowing speed up in either direction as you turn.

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