Introduction: Servo Positioning
In this project the user can press a character on the numberpad and it will set the servo to a specific position.
Step 1: Step 1: Attach a Servo
First step is to attach a servo directly to the microcontroller. Attach a jumper wire furthest to the right of it to the servo to GND and then a jumper wire going to the middle of the servo to pin 12, and finally the last jumper wire to 5V.
Step 2: Step 2: Attach a Numberpad & Code
Last step is to attach a numberpad to the microcontroller. The one I have is a 4x4 and the one in the diagram is a 4x3. For my purposes I used the 4x4 in the code. You can use either one and adjust in the code. The connections for the numberpad are connected to pins 9-2 from right to left on the pad.
Attached is the code.