Introduction: Setting Up the Arduino IDE for the FemtoUSB
Greetings to you makers out there!
In this Instructable I will demonstrate how to setup the New FemtoUSB for the Arduino IDE.
The FemtoUSB is an Atmel ARM Cortex M0+ board that is very small and has a built in RGB LED and switch.
Things you'll need:
1. Download the Arduino IDE from [at least Version 1.6.8 is needed.]
2. One or more FemtoUSB boards available from this site:
[and there's a sale on right now]
3. About 10 mins of your time.
Step 1: Setting Up the Board Manager - Arduino Zero Profile
In this first image you see the default opening screen in the Arduino IDE.
From here, go to the Tools menu item at the top of the window, click on it then move your cursor to the word Board, which may have something after it, upon hovering there, there will be a popup that shows Board Manager, click on that.
Image 2 shows this menu scrolled down a little bit, from this point you should click on the box for:
Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) by Arduino
Once that is selected click on the Install button, this process can take about 3 minutes.
Step 2: Setting Up the Board Manager - for Additional Boards
Next you will add a link to the Additional Boards Manager URLs.
After closing the last screen, from the Menu at the top Click on File and then Preferences. Image 3 shows what this screen looks like.
Near the bottom, there's a long blank line, which on the right side has an Icon that looks like 2 little windows.
Click on this and that brings up a dialog box that you can paste links to extra Arduino Boards JSON files in. Image 4 shows what the screen should look like after pasting this link into it:
Now just click OK and OK again, to go back to the main IDE screen.
Step 3: Boards Manager - FemtoUSB Profile
Once more, get back into the Boards Manager and look for the new entry.
Image 5 shows FemtoUSB Board Manager option and mine was at the bottom of the list.
Atmel ATSAMD21E18A core by FemtoIO version 1.6.9
Click on it and then click on the Install button, this install should take less than 30 seconds.
Click on Close.
Step 4: Checking the Result
This is the way the Boards list should look on a fresh install of the IDE and the FemtoUSB boards.
Select the (Native USB port) to allow for uploading to this board.
Now you can plug one in and get ready to play!