Introduction: Shark Sugar Cookie Decorated With Creamy Royal Icing

Who doesn't love cute looking sugar cookies dipped in creamy icing. I saw this cute shark cookie somewhere and decided to make it myself. I have designed a 3d printed cookie cutter to cut these cookies, you can download the cookie cutter 3d file for free from this link

If you don't have access to a 3d printer use the paper template as a guide to cut your cookies.

I will not go in detail of how to make sugar cookies or how to make royal icing. If you are interested you can watch videos by Julia Musher.


For cookie base:

4 cup sugar

1 pound or 450 gm butter

2 tbsp clear vanilla extract

4 eggs

1 tsp baking powder

8 cups of flour

for Royal Icing

2 pound or 900 gm powdered sugar

5 egg white

gel food coloring black/grey and pink

4mm sugar pearls for eyes

Step 1: Make Dough for Cookie

mix 4 cups of sugar with 1 pound of butter(at room temp).

add 2 tbsp clear vanilla and 4 eggs, mix well

add 1 tsp baking powder and 7 cups of flour, mix everything well

if the dough is slightly sticky than don't need more flour but add more flour in small steps until it sticks only tiny bit to your hand.

wrap the dough in plastic and put in freezer for 4 hours

Step 2: Roll Cut and Bake

Roll the dough to 1/4 inch thick, dust the surface with flour

use the cutter to cut the shapes and stack the cookies on parchment paper in baking tray.

If you are using paper template roll the dough on parchment sheet and freeze the rolled dough for 1-2 hours, it will be easy to cut the shapes. use a sharp knife to cut the cookies.

After all the cookies are cut freeze them for at least 2 hours before baking

I have baked my cookies @350 C for 10 min more or less. It varies on oven, thickness of cookies their size and placement. Keep a look out while baking.

Step 3: Prepare Royal Icing

mix little less than 2 pond sugar with 5 egg whites for 2 mins.

Add flavoring agent as per choice, i used few drops of lemon extract.

watch the video by Julia Musher for consistency and coloring

make 5 batch of following color and consistency

dark grey- flooding

light grey - flooding

pink- outline



Step 4: Shark Time

Mark the outline of mouth using template

brush dark grey icing inside the mouth, let it dry

make the outline of mouth with pink icing

flood outside of mouth with light grey icing, give it a shake or use toothpick to spread it evenly

put the eye balls

flood the jaw section with light grey icing

freeze for 4-5 hours

use white glue icing to attach jaw with the head

with white outline icing make teeth

freeze everything overnight before surving.