Introduction: Shaving All Natural

I am a recent college graduate, so in my senior year I found myself having to shave daily for job interviews and events. The only problem was I have super sensitive skin, and shaving always irritated my face. So I combined a few methods and found a cheap and quick method to shave with little to no irritation.

Shaving with all natural products...
I will try and tell you what to use and why you should be using it.

This is the best, cheapest, fastest, all natural way to shave.

Step 1: Toolery and Product

What you need:

-Razor that you are comfortable with
-Shaving Brush
-Jojoba oil
-Mild face soap
-Shaving cream

-Rubbing alcohol
-Shaving bowl

Step 2: Face Prep

In the shower or at your sink, wash your face with warm-hot water and mild face soap, the hottest you feel comfortable. The heat opens pores and loosens skin which is beneficial to prevent cuts and ingrown hairs. Do not dry your face.

Step 3: Enter Pre-shave Oil

The most important and most over looked step!!!
Liberally apply the jojoba oil working it into your facial hair. This is pre-shave oil that will help the razor glide across your skin and give a layer of protection on your face. Jojoba oil is typically used as an organic moisturizer and the key ingredient in some ingrown hair topical treatment products.

Amount of jojoba oil should range from quarter to half-dollar size in your hand.US$

Step 4: Lathering Up

Heat your shaving brush up with hot water and bowl if you have one. Apply the amount of shaving cream needed to the brush and work it into you facial hairs. If you have a bowl, lather the shaving cream in the bowl then apply to face. The last strokes of the brush to your face should be against the grain of your facial hairs, so then they lift and pull away from your face.

The importance of the brush: it lifts hairs making them easy to chop down and prevents ingrown hairs, less passes of the razor means less irritation too.

Shaving cream: this stays on your face for the longest time and manufacturers can load it full of all types of chemicals and fragrances, do your research and get all natural products. I use the art of shavings lavender shaving cream.

Amount of shaving cream: half the size of a gumball for the stuff I use.

Benefits of a bowl: It keeps the shaving cream warm for longer, after your first pass shaving the lather should still be warm for the touch ups. A bowl is also good if you want to use a shaving soap instead of cream.

Step 5: Shaving With a Light Hand

Use a sharp razor; I replace my blades once a week. The area which you are about to shave pull the skin tight with a facial expression or your hand. Shave with the grain of your facial hair with the lightest of pressure. A heavy hand is what I found to be the leading cause of irritation, besides using bad products.

Do one stroke, then clean your razor with hot water, repeat till done. This is important so don't be lazy.

Step 6: Finish Line

Cold, frigid water rinse will close up your pores and make your face tight and beautiful. It will soothe and reduce any irritation. Don't dry your face. Gently work a few drops of jojoba oil into the area that was shaven. This rehydrates your skin and is also a preventative measure against ingrown hairs and razor bumps. Don't dry your face, I've always found towels to leave lint on my face and ultimately cause irritation. Just let your face air dry.

Clean your kit with hot water and dry your razor, use rubbing alcohol to keep the blades cleaner and sharper longer.

Now feel beautiful.