Introduction: Sheet Bend With Janine

Good morning, and/or afternoon, and/or evening everyone! I received a comment on a previous Instructable ( that confused a Zeppelin Bend with a Sheet Bend, so I thought I'd share how to make a Sheet Bend with all of you!

A Sheet Bend, like any other bend, attaches two ropes to each other. A Sheet Bend is particularly useful because it's good for attaching ropes of two different sizes, and is super simple to make.

Step 1: Make a Bight.

Super easy.

Step 2: Under Over

Pass another rope up through the bight. It should go under the bottom line, and over the top.

Step 3: Behind the Back.

Pass the working end of your second rope back behind both ends of the bight, nearer towards the mouth.

Step 4: Through the Loop.

In the last step, you created a loop over the bight. Pass your working end through it.

Step 5: Pull It Tight.

That's it!