Introduction: Shkn

This project was influenced by the increase in people working from home due to the pandemic. It is meant to signal that the workday is over and that you can now relax and unwind. With this tutorial, I will be taking you through the steps so that you can also make your own personal cocktail shaker that will turn on exactly at 5 pm, using a nodemcu. This project was inspired by the Crickit Shaker and utilizes the stl files from the Ruiz Brothers.


Materials List:

  • Momentary LED Button
  • ESP8266 Nodemcu
  • Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard
  • USB to Micro Charger Cable
  • Motor Driver
  • DC Gear Motor
  • USB Wall Charger
  • Jumper Wires
  • Ball Bearings
  • 3D printed parts
  • Various screws

Recommended Tools:

  • Wire strippers
  • Flush cutters
  • Soldering tool
  • Screwdriver

Step 1: Gather Materials

This project utilizes 3D pieces that can snap together alongside a dc motor that needs a motor driver. I recommend the DRV8833 from Adafruit.

1. Gather your materials and start assembling your circuit. We are going to test our circuit using the breadboard and the arduino code. If it works correctly, then we can move forward with assembling the pieces together.

Step 2: Assembling Some Parts

There is some assembly we can do before fitting the circuit inside.

1. Use screws to attach the two triangles to the top piece and the tray. Then install the ball bearings in the fitted slots.

2. Install the momentary button into the hole on the front.

Step 3: Time for Some Light Soldering

In order to use the Prema Proto Board, we have to do some light soldering by attaching the motor driver and the nodemcu to the board.

Step 4: Final Assembly

Finally, it's time to assemble the circuit into the box. In order to get the top enclosure on, you will need to clip off one end of the motor in order to get it to fit.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Creation

Once all of your pieces are fitted together, you should now be able to enjoy your favorite drink once it is plugged into power. Press the button when you feel your drink has been mixed to perfection.