Introduction: Shock Absorbing Self Leveling Camera Mount

About: I do not how one can write such a bio. I mean how would one start of with saying, the old cliché hello my name is (insert name here) or something else just as uninteresting. How can a normal guy such as myself…

Step 1: Getting Materials

What you NEED:
1. At least 4 feet of string. Not counting the string needed for the kite
2. A kite with a large surface area
3. 2 fishing clips, as shown in the picture.
4. Strong plywood or fiberglass sheets, as shown in the picture
5. 2 perfect Popsicle sticks (ones without flaws).
6. A small lightweight camera.
7. Super glue. If using fiberglass sheets like I did ONLY use superglue. It works fantastically and strengthens it.
8. Stick on Velcro.
9. small rubber bands. I used the kind the orthodontist gives you.
10. A drill.
11. Drill bits.
12. Wire
13. A jigsaw. Or a laser cutter if available.
14. Spare jigsaw blades. I went through 3 trying to cut the fiberglass.

1. 2 small pulleys
2. Nice kite reel

Step 2: Cutting the Fiberglass/ Ply Wood

I suggest that you print this picture out and use it as a template for cutting. I arranged the pieces so that it would minimize the cutting. Each of the dots represents a place to drill a whole. Each of the numbered parts corresponds to the the other place where you are going to glue it. The shading represents where you will glue it.

The picture with the most detail will be used as a place to know where to drill, and where to glue.

Step 3: Glueing Everything

To make sure that all of the edges are exactly 90 degrees I suggest that you use some kind of square block, something that you know is exactly 90°. Once again I strongly recommend using super glue because it is what I found the best glue for this type of bonding.

Step 4: Putting the Camera Mount On

Use wire to put inside of the wholes to make it a kind of a hook, something that the rubber band will be able to hook on to. You can use either one or two rubber bands for each corner of the mount. One rubber band will make it less sensitive while two rubber bands will make it less.

Also sticky Velcro on top of the camera mount, so that the camera will be able to stick on.

Put the rubber bands through the holes made in the camera mount. And then stick it through the loop at the end of the rubber band so that it will be attached to everything else.

Step 5: The Popsicle Sticks

Next take to popsicle sticks and glue them on top of each other in an X formation. Then take the drill and drill one hole at each end of the four Popsicle sticks. Then take it and superglue it on top of the camera mount.

Step 6: Putting the String On

Cut the four foot long piece of string and half, so that you will have to two two foot-long pieces of string. Next thread this through the holes in the popsicle sticks, like shown in the picture. Make sure that when you tied it off the knot is near the Popsicles sticks, so that it will not interfere with the pulleys.

Step 7: Attaching It All to the Kite String

Next take the two fishing hooks and thread the un-opening parts through the string.
Next take the string and tie a knot so that it will stay in place.
Next take the other fishing hook thing and repeat, 2 feet from the other one.

Step 8: Finishing It Up

Next take the two string loops and put one end in one hook and one in the other so that when you change the angle of the string the mount changes with it.

Last and final, take the camera put Velcro on it stick it on and you are ready to fly. You can change the angle of how the camera is pointing by moving the rubber bands from one hook to the other. I hope you have just as much success with this design as I did! Good luck!

If you have any questions or comments, no matter how minor please leave a comment so that I can improve my instructable.