Introduction: Shopping Trolley Tokens
- This tutorial will show you how to create a a simple but effective laser cut or 3D printed shopping trolley token
- This product is handy to have on your keys or as gifts to family members and friends.
- This product is best made on Tinker CAD especially if you don't have a 3D printer as you can send off to get it printed but is also more accessible as can be accessed on any device with internet. I also used solid works however to show it can be done in different software.
Why it was made?
- Mostly every shop and supermarket nowadays needs a pound to access the trolleys, however increasingly with an aging population and people having arthritis, many are struggling to access and gain their pound or token from the trolley. As a result I have created a design for a shopping trolley token that you can make at home. The design is very customisable depending on how you like it. e.g color and size and shape of handle. By adding a handle onto the token it allows ease to effortlessly pull out the token whether you are old or young or whether you just struggle with the fiddly system in the first place.
Step 1: Drawing = 3D PRINTED
The first step is to draw out the shape of the token. I made it in tinker CAD but then did the final renders in Solid Works. However Tinker CAD is easier to use and is more user friendly for first time or beginner CAD Developers.
If in tinker CAD you just need to drag and drop the shapes and change dimension only which is very easy
in solid works I started by drawing the handle first. This you can customize as much as you want and can make it round, rectangular like I did or you can taper the sides, it is up to you.
You then need to draw a rectangular spine for the token in which the handle and the coin will sit on either end. when you make this you need to be aware that if it is too short your fingers will not fit between the handle and the coin and too long it will get in the way once in. I experimented a found this length worked for me best ^.
Next you need to make the coin end in which I used a 11mm diameter however you need to be aware on how much precision your 3D printer has.
Once you have made a deign you like you need to extrude it 3mm thick.
Step 2: Ergonomics = 3D Printed
Next I filleted the corners to make them round and not pointy but you can make it with or without this feature.
I also chamfered right round the top to also achieve a more aesthetic and ergonomic feel to the product.
Ergonomics = How the design of products have been optimized for human use (eg. more comfortable)
In tinker CAD you would perform this feature by changing the radius
(This step is optional)
Step 3: Key Hole = 3D Printed
Next you need to add a hole, so that your token can fit onto your keys, so you don't forget it when you next go to the shops.
Draw a hole onto the handle and when happy extrude cut or turn a cylinder into a hole in Tinker CAD.
You need to be careful not to draw a hole on to the handle to close to the sides otherwise it will be weak and might snap, try and leave at least 2mm
Step 4: Personalizing = 3D Printed
Next you can add a custom feature to the design to personalize it and make it your own. If you do this you need to draw on the shape and extrude cut or in tinker CAD insert text and turn it to hole it so it is part of the design.
I put a pound sign on it however you could put initials or shapes on it.
(This step is optional)
Step 5: Print = 3D Printed
Now you need to follow your instructions of your 3D printer to print out the design.
if you don't have a 3D printer you can make it in Tinker CAD and you can send off for it to get print
Using different colored ABS (Plastic) could give a nice personalized gift!!!
I drew my designs in 2D design but there are is other software that can perform the same job such as Tinker CAD which allows you to make it in 3D and transfer it over to 2D to be laser cut.
I started by drawing the handle first. This you can customize as much as you want and can make it round, rectangular like I did or you can taper the sides, it is up to you.
You then need to draw a rectangular spine for the token in which the handle and the coin will sit on either end. when you make this you need to be aware that if it is too short your fingers will not fit between the handle and the coin and too long it will get in the way once in. I experimented a found this length worked for me best ^. Next you need to make the coin end in which I used a 11mm diameter however you need to be aware on how much precision your laser cutter has.
Next you can add a custom feature to the design to personalize it and make it your own. If you do this you need to draw on the shape and etch it when printing so it is part of the design. Normally you do this by changing the color of the line.
I put a pound sign on it however you could put initials or shapes on it.
(This step is optional)
Next you will need to transfer your design and print it out onto a sheet of 3mm acrylic.
The pleasure of acrylic is you have a greater range of choice compared to 3D printing and also is quicker at producing the product