Introduction: Shopping Trolley With Charger

Our shopping trolley with charger to devices it works with two types of renewable, solar and kinetic. They work automaticaly, without necessary of intervetion human.

And sorry for my english, I'm using a translator.

We'll need these itens :
1x motor 5v 1x reduction gear ( You can get it of a ventilator, like me )
1x painel solar 6v
2x diodos 4007
1x transistor 7805
1x usb
1x insulating tape
5x ( or more) plastic clamp
3m of cable
1x shopping trolley

Step 1: Engine Base

After pick off the wheels you can use like engine base, 2 pieces of wood, like

nail file or pallets of ice cream. Cut with 4 cm and other with 3 cm. You can use insulating tape to fix

Step 2: Gear With Wheels

Use the plastic clamp to fix the wheels with the gear

Step 3: Fixing Engine and Gearbox

Place the other gear in the engine using glue, then attach the motor to the base using insulating tape and plastic clamp( use as much as you want) , after place the wheels and fitting.

Step 4: Painel Solar

place the solar panel on the grid, you can use insulation tape or plastic clamp

Step 5: Using Diodos

On the positive out of motor and painel, place the diodo

Alert: remember of make a test using a multimeter to see what side the diodo allows current flux and isolate all of diodo.

Step 6: Transitor

To instal transistor( looking the side with number) you have to put on the possitive cable ( with diodo ) on the left side, on mid is the negative and the right is the exit with 5v. Then isolate with tape

Step 7: USB

To instal usb remember, do you need instal the positive side, the 'out' of transistor, on the left, and negative on the right, like on the photo. After isolate and attach, I improvised using insulating tape.

Step 8: It's Done

It's done now just test, if don't charge walking, find littlest wheels