Introduction: Shotgun Shell Flag
Step 1: Supplies
You will need these:
-Red, white, and blue shotgun shells
-Some plywood
-Hot glue and hot glue gun
-White paint
-Red, white, and blue shotgun shells
-Some plywood
-Hot glue and hot glue gun
-White paint
Step 2: The Size
You can make the flag as big or as small as you want
Step 3: Hot Glue
Get the hot glue gun ready to use
Step 4: The Stars
If you want stars you can cut the metal off of extra shot gun shells while you are waiting for the hot glue to get hot
Step 5: Painting
When you have as many stars as you want you can paint it white and glue them on the field of blue
Step 6: The Stripes
Lay out the shells how you want the flag to look like then when you are done you can start hot gluing them down to a piece of plywood.( I suggest doing the field of blue first then the stripes from top to bottom)