Introduction: Silk-Screen Shirt Printing

About: Freelance mechanical engineer from the Bay Area.
I did some shirt printing earlier this year, and I just wanted to share some of my pictures from the process. 

The "GLR" or "Girls Locker Room" shirts were for my college suite mates and our extended friend group, which is called "Girls Locker Room" because of some decade-old story.

The red "OMAM" shirts were for myself and christmas presents. OMAM stands for "Of Monsters and Men", an Icelandic band which at the time did not have any apparel. 

The PAIRD shirts were for my brother for christmas, he is currently working on a 10 part lego-stop-motion series called PAIRD.
The logo for my brother's production studio is a globe with an arrow through it, so I also made him some shirts with that logo on it (those are the light green ones).