Introduction: Sillent Hill Easy Costume Nurse Horror Disfraz Facil Enfermera Horror Hallowen Carnival

About: Tenerife. España! Hi my nane is Rachel and i lve this web, becausse i love make costumes!! Here i will put some of my creations, enjoy it!!
Disguise enfermers terrifying sillent hill. It is super easily in 5 minutes you have it!!! Mas time of dried! You needed a white dressing-gown, averages and head-dress. We are going to dye it in order that it stays with aged aspect, we will use you! If, if... Is ear well tea. We boil quantity of sufficient water, several envelopes of you and put the dressing-gown averages and head-dress during a few minutes. Then to leaving it to dry. For the face we will use one it bandages elastic, of brown color, as the rest of the disguise. We will cut the dressing-gown eliminating the last button but preserving the pockets. Approximately 8-10cm. We will place a back bow with the chunk of fabric that has exceeded us to encircle her to the body. And already this everything!! Do you with a knife and to putting a lot of fear! Disfraz enfermers terrorifica sillent hill. Es super facil en 5 minutos lo tienes!!! Mas tiempo de secado! Necesitaras una bata blanca, medias y cofia. Lo vamos a te�ir para que quede con aspecto envejecido, utilizaremos te! Si, si... Has oido bien t�. Hervimos cantidad de agua suficiente, varios sobres de te y metemos la bata medias y cofia durante unos minutos. Luego a dejarlo secar. Para la cara usaremos una venda elastica, de color marron, como el resto del disfraz. La bata la cortaremos eliminando el ultimo boton pero conservando los bolsillos. Aproximadamente 8-10cm. Le colocaremos un lazo trasero con el trozo de tela que nos ha sobrado para ce�irla al cuerpo. Y ya esta todo!! Hazte con un cuchillo y a meter mucho miedo!