Introduction: Silly Toaster Handle Solutions

I was given a great toaster that was missing the handle, so I 3D Printed a new one. The new handle was a basic square with an indent for your thumb. I used black PLA and thought "That totally works".

Well, a working handle is great but I realized I wanted some flair. So I whipped up these designs to celebrate Holidays and events.

I will provide my files here, but you can also find them on my Printables profile.


3D Printer (I used an inexpensive QIDI X One 2 (Updated! I just got a Bambu Labs A1 Printer.)

Filament (PLA works well. I would recommend PETG, though.)

Tinkercad (For creating your own designs.) LINK to files

Computer (To make all the things work together.)

Toaster (Mine is a Cuisenart CPT-70 which uses a fairly popular insert, as proven by my searching.)

Toaster Model (this will help determine which files to use for the "hole" in your design.

Step 1: Creating Your Own Handles

If you want to build your own handle, a great place to start is This site has a lot of templates for you to use in design creation.

If you would like more options, there are free sites like svgrepo.comthat have a ton of files to choose from.

SVG files are easy to work with in Tinkercad as they scale well and convert to STL files easily.

Here is a good and simple tutorial for Tinkercad designing. LINKThis should show you all you need to know for designing the toaster handle of your dreams.

This LINK is to my Toaster Handle files on Tinkercad.

  1. Choose the file you would like to use.
  2. Scale to fit your toaster space.
  3. Increase the height of the file to leave enough room to conceal the connection hole.
  4. Center the connection hole on your file and raise it to the top of the file (+.1 mm) so that it appears when printing.
  5. Group <Command G> the two pieces and it is ready to export for slicing and printing.

Check This VIDEO LINK for a quick tutorial.

Here are additional Toaster Handle files from

Step 2: Downloading My Toaster Handle Files

You can just download the files I have already created with these links.



I've also added them to this Instructable.

Step 3: Ideas for New Designs

Feel free to submit designs for other toaster handles and I'll try to supply them.

Have fun and enjoy.