Introduction: SilverWear
I set out to create a fun but useful accessory for my Prototyping Basics class, and settled on SilverWear; wearable silverware. The idea came from seeing silverware in restaurants that just wasn't always as clean as I would like. I wanted to create a utensil that I could take with me if I felt the utensils available were sub-par.
Step 1: Collect Your Tools
-To get started, you'll need to acquire a slap bracelet (Or four) to use as the base. I found mine at Hobby Lobby, and found that the furry ones were the easiest to get cleaned to a usable state, but you could probably find the metal strips online.
-Gloves are recommended for safety, but if you are careful enough, you can get by without these (I still highly recommend using gloves!)
-Scissors are necessary for removing the furry cloth casing from the bracelet, as well as cutting the metal to the right length.
-a hair dryer or other heating tool is recommended for removal of glue from the metal strip after the cloth casing comes away.
-Tape is necessary for covering the eating parts of your utensils before dipping the base in plasti-dip.
-You don't want to get injured using this accessory, so you'll need plasti-dip (you can get this for a few dollars at Walmart) to make your project safe.
-An exacto knife is useful near the end of the project, to keep a clean line when removing tape.
-Access to a 3D printer so you can print your 3D silverwear toppers.
Step 2: Get Started
Start with your bracelet and scissors
Step 3: Open It Up
Cut the ends of the furry or cloth casing off, creating a tube instead of a sealed wrap.
Step 4: Cut Carefully
Using your scissors, cut the tube-shaped sleeve of cloth up one side.
Step 5: Remove the Fabric
While wearing gloves to avoid cutting yourself on the sharp metal strip, remove the remaining fabric. This step can be tricky. If the fabric will not come off easily, you can use a hair dryer to heat the metal (while wearing gloves!), which melts the glue and makes it easy to remove the fabric.
Step 6: Design Your Utensils (Or Use Mine!)
Start designing! I made my spoon and fork base in SketchUp and 3D printed it on an UP mini, but it was pretty difficult to get a good spoon shape. In the end, I redesigned it (And reprinted it) t least 4 times.All of my attempts are shown in the photo. I included both of my original spoon/fork sketchup files. Do with them what you will! The first (Marley Prototype) is more aesthetically appealing and looks more like a real spoon and fork, but the second (Marley Prototype 2) is a better size for the bracelet, and has more utility. You can change the angle of the spoon and fork on the second file by editing it. Select the entire spoon OR fork, one at a time, except for the base. Then just grab your rotate tool and rotate it!
Step 7: Shorten Your Bracelet
You'll want to cut part of the metal strip off, as the regular length of a slap bracelet is VERY long. I cut off about half an inch, using a silver sharpie to mark my place and cutting with regular scissors.
Step 8: Attach the Pieces
Attach the pieces. In the design process, I made sure to leave an opening in the base of the design so I could just slide the utensils onto the bracelet base. Do not try to slap the bracelet on your wrist in this stage. If you don't get cut by the uncovered metal, which you will, your fork and/or spoon will go flying across the room, which is dangerous to bystanders.
Step 9: Tape It Up!
Wrap your fork and spoon in tape. Make sure to leave part of the base uncovered so you can use the plasti-dip to seal the utensils onto the bracelet.
Step 10: Coat and Glue
Start spraying your plasti-dip layers, one every 30-45 minutes, ending in a total of at least 5 coats. I did 6 layers total, with some help from hot glue, which made the whole thing nice to hold and safe to slap. Hotglue is not necessary, but if you find you need extra seal (because if you're like me, your fork will not stay on without it), you can add a touch of hot glue t the connecting pieces and spray a layer or two of plasti-dip over it. I also added some hot glue along the sharp edges of the metal, which made it a little safer.
Step 11: Cut Again
Once your final coat of plasti-dip has dried for at least several hours (I let mine sit overnight), you need to break out the exacto knife. Cut a line around the base of the tape. Once you cut the line, just start peeling your tape away. If you cut well, the plasti-dip should only come off where the tape was.
Step 12: Finished Product!
My slap bracelet works! It can be slapped safely on an uncovered wrist without hurting anyone, and the pieces all stay together. I made sure that the fork and spoon face the right way so that the bracelet doesn't close when you try to eat with it. I hope you enjoy making your own utensils!