Introduction: Simple Bike U-Lock Holder
This is my first instructable so bear with me!
I recently bought a Motobecane Super Mirage to replace a Grand Touring that was stolen from me and found that, unlike my previous bike, it has no space available to hold my Kryptonite U-Lock and cable. After a little googling with no satisfactory DIYs found, I decided to build my own lock holder.
Why not use the one Kryptonite sells you ask? Because they are absolute garbage, thats why. I had one and it broke after the first few potholes, not to mention the shear force required to remove the lock from the clamp!
The best part about this holder, unlike some other ways, is that its compatible with locks that have either side mounted keyholes or top mounted.
This instructable took me about 15 min to complete, is super simple and cost about $5 for the clamps, which might be cheaper depending on where you go.
(I already had the other tools around the apt.)
Electrical tape
Flat head screwdriver
Utility Knife
(2) 7/32"-5/8" Hose Clamps*
(2) 13/16"-1 1/2" Hose Clamps*
*The size of the clamps will vary depending on the make and size of your lock and on the width of the cross tube on your bike. Although the bigger clamps have some size to them so they should fit most.
I recently bought a Motobecane Super Mirage to replace a Grand Touring that was stolen from me and found that, unlike my previous bike, it has no space available to hold my Kryptonite U-Lock and cable. After a little googling with no satisfactory DIYs found, I decided to build my own lock holder.
Why not use the one Kryptonite sells you ask? Because they are absolute garbage, thats why. I had one and it broke after the first few potholes, not to mention the shear force required to remove the lock from the clamp!
The best part about this holder, unlike some other ways, is that its compatible with locks that have either side mounted keyholes or top mounted.
This instructable took me about 15 min to complete, is super simple and cost about $5 for the clamps, which might be cheaper depending on where you go.
(I already had the other tools around the apt.)
Electrical tape
Flat head screwdriver
Utility Knife
(2) 7/32"-5/8" Hose Clamps*
(2) 13/16"-1 1/2" Hose Clamps*
*The size of the clamps will vary depending on the make and size of your lock and on the width of the cross tube on your bike. Although the bigger clamps have some size to them so they should fit most.
Step 1: Wrap the Tape
Figure out where you want to hang the lock and put a couple wraps of tape where the first of the two prongs will sit to protect the crossbar from scratches. Use the scissors to make a clean cut. Once the first one is set, use the second lock prong to figure out where the second wrap will go.
Be extra careful to make sure the clamps will fall in the middle of the tape when installed. If you have brake lines or shifter lines running the length of this tube, make sure you tape under them or the clamps and/or tape will screw with the shifting and/or braking. The same applies when installing the clamps.
Be extra careful to make sure the clamps will fall in the middle of the tape when installed. If you have brake lines or shifter lines running the length of this tube, make sure you tape under them or the clamps and/or tape will screw with the shifting and/or braking. The same applies when installing the clamps.
Step 2: Install Clamps
Using the screwdriver, unscrew the bigger 13/16"-1 1/2" clamps and thread them through the smaller 7/32"-5/8" clamps.
Then, tighten the larger clamps around your crossbar where you previously wrapped the tape. I found that the best way to avoid snagging the excess metal from the bigger hose clamp on your pants is to install the screw pointing towards the ground. It's a little awkward to tighten it this way, but better in the end. Also make sure the 2 smaller clamps are in-line with each other.
Then, tighten the larger clamps around your crossbar where you previously wrapped the tape. I found that the best way to avoid snagging the excess metal from the bigger hose clamp on your pants is to install the screw pointing towards the ground. It's a little awkward to tighten it this way, but better in the end. Also make sure the 2 smaller clamps are in-line with each other.
Step 3: Thread the Prongs
It helps to do the bent prong first and then insert the second.
The bent prong originally had black rubber all the way up to the bend which inhibited the prong from going all the way through the clamp so I had to cut around the rubber with the utility knife and peel it off. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture of this part but be CAREFUL when doing so!!
Lock the top and you're golden!
The bent prong originally had black rubber all the way up to the bend which inhibited the prong from going all the way through the clamp so I had to cut around the rubber with the utility knife and peel it off. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture of this part but be CAREFUL when doing so!!
Lock the top and you're golden!
Step 4: Possible Additional Step
I also have a cable that I use to lock my front wheel with and depending on the lock and length of the prongs you can weave the cable through them.
As you can see from the second photo, the holder has a minimal front profile and won't get in the way of pedaling if you install it correctly.
The clamps also prevent the lock from swaying too much. There may be some, but nothing noticeable.
Hope this helps!
As you can see from the second photo, the holder has a minimal front profile and won't get in the way of pedaling if you install it correctly.
The clamps also prevent the lock from swaying too much. There may be some, but nothing noticeable.
Hope this helps!