Introduction: Simple Bitcoin Ticker

This is a Simple Bitcoin or any other ALT coin Ticker.

Showing a Single Coin Price on 8x 7 segment Display.

Display is large, bright and simple to read.

Price quote from free API are updated every 5min.

Easy print and build.

Code id based on Hector de Isidro worke:

Step 1: Part List

NodeMcu V3

MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix 8 Digit Display

5x7 PCB board

5x Male Pin Header Connector

2x x5 Female Dupont Cable Jumper Wire Pin Header Housing

22AWG wire

2x 3M screws

4x 2M screws

Step 2: Print

STL file's are available at :

1x Simple Bitcoin Ticker Box

1X Simple Bitcoin Ticker Cover

Step 3: Electronics

Connect 5 male headers to NodeMCU Board.

  • 3v
  • gnd
  • dataPin = D5
  • csPin = D6
  • clockPin = D7

vin - 12v DC power source

g - power source ground

Step 4: API

Create a Free account at:

Copy API Key you will need it in the next step.

Step 5: Code

Install LedControl Library using Library Manager in Arduino IDE.

Download Simple_Bitcoin_Ticker.ino from:

Open File In Arduino IDE and update lines:

  • #define STASSID "SSID"; (Where SSID is your WiFi network name.)
  • #define STAPSK "PASSWORD"; (Where PASSWORD is network Password)
  • const String API_KEY = "API_KEY"; (Where API_KEY is your API Key)

Upload Sketch to NodeMCU.

Step 6: Assembly

  1. Connect Display to Box.
  2. Connect dc Jack to Box.
  3. Screw PBC to Box.
  4. Connect Power IN wire.
  5. Connect Display wire.
  6. Connect NodeMCU Board.
  7. Pop on Cover.

Connect to a DC 12V power source, wait for a min while NodeMCU connects to you WiFi, and You are Done!
