Introduction: Simple Bluetooth Controlled Car

About: Master in Electronics Engineering

It is a simple Bluetooth controlled car.

It is easy to make using arduino and bluetooth module hc-05.

Hope you like to make it.

Step 1: Components Needed

1. Arduino Atmega8 or any board

2. Batteries

3. Battery clips

4. Breadboard

5. Motor Driver

6. Bluetooth HC-05

7. 2DC Motors & Chassis

8. Wheels

9. Connectors

10. Buzzer

11. LED's

12. Cable

Step 2: Circuit Diagram

Connect The Components As given in circuit diagram above.

Its Easy to Build.

Step 3: Uploading Sketch to Board

Step 4: Android Application

Install The Android application.First Pair your bluetooth module

Enter Passcode for bluetooth hc-05 is '1234'..

You can also make your own App using MIT Appinventor

Connect And Enjoy!!!

Step 5: Video
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