Introduction: Simple Cardboard Flyer SCF-1

Inspired here on "instructables" by:
Card Board Gliders , by flashanimator, link:
Pizza Box Airplane , by RainPuddle, link:
and in a special way by simplicity of
My Cardboard Airplane , by bakermiro, link:
I started making my own variation of simple glider, due to the some old cardboard and other home waste.

Step 1: SCF-1, Wings

From the rich choice of waste (ha,ha!) I took the biggest piece of cardboard, found the middle of it and bend it over that line. Then holding it  such banded I cut out desired shape of wing.
After that, I glued some cardboard layers that were glued off by time; practically I repaired the cardboard. Clothe pegs pressed layers sufficiently, during the drying.

Step 2: SCF-1, Fuselage

I took another big piece of cardboard and, this time using scissors tip, I scratched a line longitudinally. Then banded a piece over it, getting a triangle profiled fuselage. Again I cut out desired shape - I left nose as it is but towards the tail I cut a fine slope. Than using cardboard again I made two triangles and glued them inside. Fine triangular profiled fuselage!

Step 3: SCF-1, Vertical Stabilizer

From one smaller piece of cardboard I cut the vertical stabilizer, it's attacking edge curved and rear edge strait. Then, I simply put some glue on the tail part of fuselage, inserted vertical stabilizer in, and fixed all with a cloth pegs.

Step 4: SCF-1, Wing Montage

I simply put some glue on the fuselage where I wanted wing to be, positioned wing, press it, hold it so one minute and left it to dry. After I added more glue and finalized it.

Step 5: SCF-1, Tail Horizontal Stabilizers

On the same principle as main wing, tail horizontal stabilizers are cut. Then, a  part  long almost as the vertical stabilizer, was cut out from the middle and that is the shaft that was filled with glue and than positioned on the vertical stabilizer, aproximatelly in the level of the upper fuselage edge. Also nose was made by simply gluing sides of front part of fuselage (cloth peg is again doing the job). Another cloth peg  squeezes a little bit the rear part pf fuselage.

Step 6: SCF-1, Final Constructional Look

When all was dried, short initial room fly test was made. It showed out that the front cloth peg, staying right  up vertically from the nose, is just fine for the balance. All what SCF-1 needs now is a final painting (or not???)