Introduction: Simple Cold Brew Coffee and How to Seasonal Flavoring

About: i have spent my life finding alternative ways to get every task done in spite many challenges. most of my projects are as we call how we do things Fabrecobled (to make (fabricate) something from whatever layin…
  • I discovered cold brew a few years ago after hot brewed coffee started giving me bad heartburn, so today I will walk you through the steps to make up too 2 quarts (liters) of cold brew coffee as well as how to add GOOD seasonal flavorings.

But first some pros and cons of cold brew


  • low acid development. (remember the heartburn, the heat also causes the bitter tast)
  • little to no waste. (compared to pod coffee)
  • less time prepping and making. (10min over 2 days)
  • vary little energy used in the making. (compared to pods or pot)
  • extracts more caffeine. (compared to hot brew)


  • if you want it hot you must microwave it. (increasing energy used)
  • concentrate needs to be diluted. (or not depends how you like it)
  • takes time to brew. (8hr ish minimum)
  • takes fridge space.

Lets get to it then.


your going to need, for about 3 to 4cups of concentrate.

  • about a cup of your favorite coffee (I prefer medium roast whole beans)
  • 2 quart jars and at least 1 lid
  • at least one piece of fabric suitable to use as a filter (I use snot rags)
  • coffee grinder (if using whole beans)
  • additional seasonings (if desired)

Step 1: Grinding Coffee and Adding Spices.

Grind the beans to a coarse consistency like you would use for a percolator. the finer the grounds are the more dust gets through the filter. a burr grinder would be the best grinder for good constant grounds (I use the blinder style because it was cheep like the budget, at the thrift store)

This is a good time to introduce flavoring to the brew. I use a Wassail or mulled cider like seasonings.

  • 1 small orange peal tore up and dropped into the first jar (my boys eagerly await for the orange)
  • 3-6 whole cloves (whole spices grind to a better flavor and are easy to measure)
  • 2-4 whole allspice
  • 1 whole cinnamon stick
  • could add anise if desired

The dry spices can be ground up with the beans.

Step 2: Brew and Settel.

Put your grounds into the first jar. Fill with water (I use cold tap) to the top. Cap and wait. (letting it brew on the counter or in the fridge doesn't mater)

8hr later (recommended brew time though I have let it go as long as about 36hr with no ill effects (though flavor does change a bit, experiment to determine your favorite time (mine is 8-18hr)))

Observe the stratified layers of coarseness. The finest settles to the bottom the rest float (until disturbed).

using this we can convince the finest grounds to stay in the jar when we filter later by gently using a tool to loosen the floating layers so they settle onto the finest layer on the bottom give it some time to settle out.

Step 3: Strain and (optional) Rinse the Grounds.

Drape the filtering fabric over the second jar and tuck it down to make a collection area for the grounds that escape the brew jar.

Gently pore the brewed coffee off the grounds disturbing things as little as possible. (this takes some practice)


Rinse the grounds (this gets more coffee concentrate at a slightly lower potency)

Add 1-2 cups water to the used grounds

Let re-brew or swirl around and strain into concentrate jar. (swirling mixes up the fine sediment that may get through the filter.)


I shake out and dump the grounds on the east side of my back porch. Its only on the east side so that in the spring when I plant Hydrangeas the east will have blue flowers and the west pink. (I hope, haven't tried it yet)

The chickens also like to peck at the grounds.

Step 4: Diluting and Enjoying Your Brew.

You now have a concentrate with around twice the caffeine of fast and hot brew coffee (including espresso).

Store in the fridge.

You might want to cut it with about 1:1 coffee: water. But that's totally up to your tastes and caffeine requirements.

Letting your concentrate rest for a bit gets the fine particles that escaped the filter the settle to the bottom, where you then can pore off the "dustless" concentrate.

After I have drunk (diluting in cup) about half the jar (3-4 mugs) I top off (dilute) the rest concentrate with water to save time later.

Enjoy your Cold Brew or Seasonal Cold Brew. And thanks for reading.