Introduction: Simple Corner Shelf

 This Instructable will show you how to build a corner shelf for little money and it takes little time.

Step 1: What You Will Need

 drill, level, stud finder, drill bits, screws ( not pictured: square)
wood: 1x8 board and 1x3 board( I ripped a 1x6)
cut the 1x8 so it will fit in the corner( 45 degree angle)

Step 2: Support Boards

 these boards have to be sturdy so make sure you find the studs first. i like this support system better than brackets. predrill the holes so as not to split the boards.

Step 3: Place Your Shelf Boards on Top and Repeat for More Shelves!

 you can put a little nail in the ends of the shelf boards to secure them to the support boards. the door and window frames keep my shelves in place pretty well.