Introduction: Simple DIY Book
This is a fun simple project to do. Please enjoy.
Step 1: Materials
For this project you will need:
- cardboard
- printer paper
- construction paper
- scotch tape
- scissors
Step 2: Fold and Bind
Fold four pieces of printer paper in half and make sharp creases. Repeat this step as many times as you want. the more times you do it the more pages your book will have. Line up your stacks of four evenly the folds all facing one way and split that into two piles then tape four horizontal lines against the pile of twos fold.Repeat this with every set of four. Take two taped sets and tape them together keep doing this until you have one taped pile.
Step 3: Cover
Place your stack on the cardboard and trace going out a little further and cut do this agin.Cut another piece the same length as the part you cut that will align with your fold and as wide as a pencil.Tape the pieces together and cover with construction paper and tape it on. Tape the first piece of paper in your stack to the first half of the cover. Tape the last pice of paper to the second half of the cover. And your finished. Please enjoy.