Introduction: Simple Generator That Can Power LED Bulb

About: Love simple robotics, electronics, sensors, arduino projects and generally building, modifying and opening up stuff
THIS is my first instructable so plz be kind with the comments.
Also sorry for the poor picture quality.
This is an instructable that tells you how to make a simple electric generator using only a motor, LED bulb and a wheel.
*ordinary electric motor
*LED bulb (not a blue or white LED.ANY other color is fine)
*and a wheel(preferably a smaller one.)
1. Attach the wheel to the motor. Make sure it has been fitted well.
2.Take the ends of the LED and solder them/ tape them to the terminals of the motor.
3.hold the contraption and drive it down a wall very fast.
4.The motor will act like a generator and light up the LED.
go to the following youtube link to see the generator work
the red flashes are the led switching on due to to electric power created by the generator.