Introduction: Simple Line Follower


I will explain how to make a simple line follower

Step 1: Materials

1. Arduino Uno

2. Motor dc 5v

3. IC L293D

4. Led

5. Photodioda

6. Resistor 560ohm and 22k

7. Header Male

Step 2: Make a Sensors

Here i am using 2 sensors, if you want to add your sensors can edit yourself.

The layout is already placed pins to be connected to arduino.

Step 3: Make a Driver Motor Dc

Why use ic L293D ? Because, i use a dc motor that does not required a large amperage.

The layout is already placed pins to be connected to arduino.

Step 4: Programming

Step 5: Finish

Let's play..

If you want to see the video, can be seen here
Move It

Participated in the
Move It

Automation Contest

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Automation Contest