Introduction: Simple Long Range Minecraft Cannon

About: Hi! I am learning the Python programming language, I also play some Minecraft . So, I hope you like the stuff I post, and please comment and subscribe! :)
This is a cannon that I designed in Minecraft that shoots quite far.  I has a condensing charge.  For those who don't know what that means, a condensing charge is a charge that fires before the firing charge and removes the spaces between blocks (as seen in pic 2) of tnt increasing the firing range.  I hope that wasn't to confusing.

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Step 1: Building the Frame

The first step is to build the frame of the cannon.  Make a shape like in pic 1 that is 15 x 3 wide.  Then add 3 more layers on top of that with the middle hollowed out and the opening in the direction you want to shoot like in pic 2.

Step 2: Adding the Water

Place a half block at the end of the cannon.  Then fill it up with water.

Step 3: Adding the Redstone

Add a button onto the back of the cannon like in pic 1.  Then put redstone and repeaters where ever I placed them in pic 2 (and also add blocks next to the repeaters on the left side.  Then fully charge 8 repeaters on the right side (feel free to experiment, but if you go much over that, you'll have a nice big crater in the ground).  And also fully charge the first repeater on the left side of the cannon.

EDIT  : If you charge 10 repeaters, it shoots really far in an arch.

Step 4: Load With TNT And...