Introduction: Simple ROV for Cheap

About: I love instructables and makezine. My dream is to one day attend the World Maker Faire in NYC. I like to mess around with electronics and see what they do( especially projects off of instructables). *****This…
This is my 10th instructable and here is the simple rov submarine. I finished this at the end of summer but never fully got around to fully testing it. So I say a fair warning that there are some flaws, but I hope to update it soon. Thanks!

Step 1: Materials

Here are the parts i used
-(1) 12v bilge pump (I bought mine for around 15 bucks at harbour freight)
-(3) 12v 80mm computer power supply fan WARNING: Make sure that the fan only has 2 wires. If it has 3 or more it will be fried in the water. Test your motors.
-(1) 28in. aluminum 1x1/16th flat bar
-(2) 240mm or longer 3/4x1/4 1/16th aluminum offset angle
-assorted nuts and bolts

Step 2: Bend Aluminum Flat Bar

Take the 28 in long flat bar and mark and cut it into two 14 in long pieces. Then, take one piece and make marks at 5 in and 9 in from one end. Repeat this again for the other piece. After marking both pieces, bend at the marks at 90 degree angles, creating a doorframe shape. Use a file and smooth off any rough areas.

Step 3: Building the Frame

This is going to be the longest step. First, take one of the aluminum offset angle and mark the center and then mark again 1 and 7/8ths on both sides of the center, creating a 3 3/4 in gap. Make another inch from your previous mark of 1 7/8 inch, this will allow you to mark spots to center punch and drill holes for your screws. ( I used #6-32 1/4" machine screws with matching nuts for 1.50 at Walmart. Any thing else will work as long as it can fit within a 1/4 of an inch. ) Repeat this step for the other piece of aluminum angle.
Once you have drilled the holes in the offset aluminum angle, copy the holes with a pencil, center punch and drill holes on the bent pieces from the last step. after you have drilled the holes, insert the #6-32 machine screws and tighten them tight. I recommend that you use a lock nut washer.

Step 4: Add the Motors

Now that you have constructed the frame, take the 3 80mm computer fans and zip tie the motors together. mark some holes on the frame in order to zip tie the motor bank to the back of the frame. Then position the bilge pump so that the output is pointing out of the top. For the bilge pump part you may have to use some creative zip tie skils.

Step 5: Add Some Floaties

This is a simple step. All you need is an old foam floater or buy a cheap on from the dollar store. cut two 5 and 10 inch pieces. Position them and tie them on in an H position. Make sure that they are tied on secure other wise your vessel will sink to the bottom of Davy Jones Locker( or the bottom of your bath tub or pool). Also make sure that your motors are under to water level.

Step 6: Make the Control Panel

This is a pretty simple step. Just wire up some switches. I bought about 4 from RadioShack and made master switches that turns off power to all motors in the event of a catastrophe. This is really an open step, you can do what ever you want, and absolutely no programing reqirered ;).

Step 7: Go! Test and Experiment

Your done. Test it out in a safev environment (This could electrocute your pool or other body of water, depending on the power supply your using). Please let me know what you think and send me a pic of your simple rov!