Introduction: Simple Rocket Launcher. It Can Fly!!
So many step to make Rocket launcher. Now i will show you how to make it. You can get the materials for easy.
This rocket launcher is very powerfull!!!. The rocket can Fly ± 15 Feet. !!
You can make it under 30 minutes!!!
Ok now lets make it!
Step 1: The Materials
Rocket launcher:
- Empty Can
- 2 empty bottle
- Nail (don't to small)
- Hammer
- Scissors
- Small pipe
- Some electrical tape
- Alcohol & sprayer
- BBQ Igniter
- Hot glue / super glue
- Bottle
- Cardboard
- Hot glue / super glue
Step 2: Make the Rocket Launcher
- Cut the can (image 1-2)
- Make some holes (image 3-5)
- Cut the bottle (image 6-9)
Step 3: Gluing
Glue all the parts of the launcher with hot glue / super glue and add some electrical tape for more safety
Step 4: The BBQ Igniter
Make a hole, insert the bbq igniter and glue it. make sure the Igniter works (An electric spark)
Step 5: The Rocket Launcher Is Finish
Now, lets make the rocket!
Step 6: The Rocket
- Find a bottle
- Make the wings (Image 2-5)
- Make the rocket head (Image 6-8)
Step 7: Test It!!!!!!!!!!!
Spray the rocket launcher with alcohol, close with the igniter cap. Press the igniter and SHOOT!
Please use gloves for more safety.
DON'T shoot any people / Animals!
At your OWN RISK!!!
Thanks for look my work!
sorry for my bad english!!
Please look my other project!