Introduction: Simple Round Table

About: I like to design and build random things.

This project was built with a round top from a broken table and two 2x4’s. The top in this project is 30 inches in diameter. However, the designed can be scaled up or down based on your top diameter and/or desired table height. See drawing and video for build instructions.


Step 1: Tools/Materials


  • Saw
  • Drill and bits
  • Pocket-hole jig (optional)
  • Sander
  • Tape measure


  • Round table top (30” diameter used for this project)
  • Two 8 foot long 2x4s
  • Screws or Nails
  • Glue
  • Paint

Step 2: Table Top

Find, buy or make a table top. This top was taken from a 1970’s round table. It took a little bit of sanding to remove the blemishes.

Step 3: Upper/Lower Attachment

Cut the lower attachment pieces to 14.5” long. Chamfer the width dimension to a 60 degree angle. Chamfer the thickness dimension to 15 degrees. Cut the upper attachment pieces to 7” long. Chamfer the width dimension to a 60 degree angle. Chamfer the thickness dimension to 15 degrees – see pictures.

Step 4: Upper/Lower Attachment Assemblies

Attach the lower and upper attachment sections together as shown. I used a pocket-hole jig to drill the connection holes. Think ahead at this point to make sure the holes are on the bottom (floor) and under the table top. Add glue to the joint before screwing together.

Step 5:

Once complete, you should have two attachment assemblies

Step 6: Legs

Cut the legs to 31” long. Chamfer the thickness dimension on both ends to 15 degrees – see picture.

Step 7: Ready to Assembly Legs to Attachment Assemblies

Step 8: Attach Legs to Upper Attachment Assy

Add legs to the upper attachment assembly. I tried using the pocket-hole jig for these connections but the connection didn’t feel secure enough. I scrapped that idea and used deck screws from the sides. If you implement this method, use a countersink bit so you can fill the hole later.

Step 9: Attach Lower Attachment Assy

Attach lower attachment assembly to the upper attachment / leg assembly. Again, I used deck screws and glue.

Step 10: Sand

Use wood filler to cover the screw holes and any gaps in the wood. Sand to remove wood filler and clean up the joint lines.

Step 11: Paint

Paint or stain the legs and top to your desired color. I used white for the legs and green for the top.

Step 12: Add Guide Hole for Legs

Drill a small hole at the intersection of the upper attachment assembly. This will be the center location for the round top.

Step 13: Drill Alignment Hole in Top

Find center of round top. Measure the diameter. Use a string or tape measure set to the radius and draw a light arc. Move the string to another point on the edge of the table and draw another arc. The intersection of these two arcs is the center. Try a third arc to verify. Drill a hole at the intersection.

Step 14: Attach Top to Leg Assembly

Use a nail or rod to line up the hole in the leg assembly to the hole in the round top. This will keep the top centered on the leg assembly. Drill pilot holes through the upper attachment assembly. Use wood screws to attach the leg assembly to the top. Make sure the screws don’t protrude through the top.

Step 15: Final Product!