Introduction: Simple Shower
Follow this set of instructions step by step to create a simple (and working) shower.If you like this then please vote.
Step 1:
Build a 4 by 4 space filling it with glass/glass pane.
Step 2:
Place 3 slabs and the a block going up the wall and roof (sorry this is not very clear but i hope you can see from the picture)
Step 3:
Put a wall on the back.
Step 4:
Destroy the roof block on the far side and replace it with a dispencer.Place 2 signs underneath it to the right and the put a button on the block right of the top sign.
Step 5:
Put a block beneath the button on the back the 2 blocks above it to the right.Then destroy the block leading to the dispenser.Then put red stone on all of the blocks you placed.
Step 6:
Put a bucket of water in the dispenser and click the button.If built correctly,water should come down.Click it again and the water should disappear.
Step 7:
Simply cover up the red stone and you should have a simple (working) shower.Congratulations!