Introduction: Simple Sun Visor
This is a simple sun visor. It can be made from craft foam, cardboard, paper, or other materials. It clips on the earpieces of glasses or sunglasses. Many people with vision loss find that bright overhead sunlight hurts their eyes. This visor augments traditional sunglasses and packs very lightly.
I made the mistake one day of getting sunscreen in my eyes. This made me very light-sensitive for the rest of the day. I made one of these out of some scrap cardboard I found, and it certainly helped.
1/8" thick craft foam, cardboard, paper, or similar materials
hole punch
Step 1:
Draw the visor shape on a piece of craft foam (or cardboard).
Cut out the shape.
Cut out the shape.
Step 2: Earpiece Holes
Use the hole punch to make holes for the earpieces.
Or use scissors, as shown in the photo.... or a knife, or teeth.....
Or use scissors, as shown in the photo.... or a knife, or teeth.....
Step 3: Insert Onto Glasses
Insert the earpieces of the glasses into the earpiece holes BACKWARDS. Slide the visor all the way down the earpieces. Flip the visor over. The resulting tension will cause the visor to bow upwards.
It is now ready to wear!
It is now ready to wear!